AHK business trip: RCT in the United Arab Emirates

RCT is a participant of the AHK business trip "Export Initiative Energy: Energy Efficiency in Buildings" in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) from June 5 to 9, 2023. During the trade conference on 07.06.2023 in Dubai, customers and interested parties will have the opportunity to learn more about the company's latest IoT solutions for the oil, gas and energy industry, as well as its services.

According to the AHK, UAE cities have grown at a tremendous pace over the past 25 years. Overall, the UAE is witnessing a trend shift toward sustainable and efficient use of energy and resources, as well as the use of renewable energy. Market experts expect this to have a huge impact on the building sector as well. Among other things, IoT solutions for smart energy management for remote monitoring of oil, gas and energy plants are in demand.

As one of the leading developers and solution providers for tank monitoring, RCT Remote Control Technology will be demonstrating at the conference in Dubai on June 7 how the remote monitoring of tank systems is becoming increasingly smart. While the focus has so far been on the transmission of pure level data, user-friendly service apps for users are increasingly coming to the fore.

The LEVELview program will be presented, a modular system for the rapid setup and safe operation of remote monitoring solutions for tanks. The developer, and manufacturer from Germany thus has a plug-and-play system program with explosion protection 1/0, which can be used to monitor the fill levels of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), as well as oil, diesel, gasoline, A1 fuel (Ex0), Ad Blue and water tanks. With the web app and mobile app "RCT Monitor", users always have the right way to monitor their tank levels. Depending on the needs, transmission is via Cellular 4G/3G/2G, LTE, NB-IoT, Sigfox, LoRa-WAN, Cat M1, RF or WLAN.

The AHK business trip is organized by the German-Emirati Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK) and RENAC AG, an implementer of the Export Initiative Energy.

More details: Symposium: Energy Efficiency in Buildings (google.com)