LEVELview.WLAN: Wireless to the cloud

With the new LEVELview.WLAN (WiFi) radio receiver from RCT, coded radio signals (868.45 Mhz) from the LEVELview transmitter units can now be easily forwarded to the global network. This makes it possible to display all local information on liquid gas tank levels – as well as oil and water tanks – via the cloud-based information system of the RCT web app on smartphones and PCs worldwide. Thanks to the LEVELview.WLAN, status messages and alarms on fill levels of up to twelve tanks are transmitted free of charge to the network and quickly to the operator.

Until now, information on tank levels could only be read via radio signals on an LCD display in the immediate vicinity of the tanks or forwarded via data loggers to the RCT web application in the network by means of a chargeable data SMS. With the new radio receiver LEVELview.WLAN, which can be connected simply with all commercial routers, the remote monitoring specialist RCT Remote Control Technology from Gladenbach creates now completely new, comfortable possibilities of application for industrial and private users.

If an in-house WiFi is available, cyclical messages from tank radio transmitters can be forwarded via the LEVELview.WLAN and the local network to the RCT web application. Precise information on tank levels as well as temperatures, battery voltages and signal strengths of the transmitter units are thus easily and automatically transferred to the RCT web server. Alarm messages for set limit values can thus be forwarded to the tank operator either by email or push notification.

The Radio Receiver with WiFi consists of a total of three functional modules: a WiFi module with integrated antenna and a 32-bit ARM CPU for autonomous processing of the necessary protocols and functions for connecting via WiFi, an 868 MHz transmitter module with external antenna and a power supply unit for connecting an operating voltage (9 ... 24 volts).

The LEVELview.WLAN can be easily commissioned with the aid of the user-friendly menu control. Four LEDs and the installation instructions in the user menu show the user how to make the settings step by step. The device receives data via the 868 Mhz frequency from one or more (up to 12) transmitter units. In the process, a corresponding code is sent to the receiver at specific intervals. The receiver stores the cyclical data internally and sends it to the RCT cloud storage in encrypted form via the in-house WiFi at specific intervals. The data can then be retrieved and conveniently evaluated via the RCT web application.

With the new LEVELview.WLAN radio receiver from RCT, coded radio signals (868.45 Mhz) from the LEVELview transmitter units can now be easily forwarded to the global network.
In combination with the RCT LEVELview radio transmitter unit (photo), the LEVELview.WLAN creates completely new, convenient application options for remote monitoring of liquid gas tanks.